Monday, April 26, 2010

A World At Large

As the spring semester is almost coming to an end, I feel as if I have matured and realized a lot more about myself and what kind of teacher I want to become. Working with the Jr. High students is one experience I will not forget because they helped and shaped my thoughts about the type of teacher I want to be. I want to be able to go back to the Jr. High School as a science teacher and incorporate the DEP into my lesson planning. Apprenticing in a departmentalized classroom has opened up my eyes and has pushed my interest in becoming a science teacher. I want be more involved in the science field and clear up misconceptions that the students might have in that subject. When I participated in the afterschool STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) program, I observed how much children were motivated in learning science by hands on activities and less lecturing. A lot of students were very active and cooperating with one another to finish their projects. Some of the projects they worked on were constructing kites, taking apart devices and putting them pack together, modeling roller coasters and assembling battery light bulbs. Overall, my apprenticeship has been a fantastic learning experience, it has not only gave me more teaching experience but gave me a new outlook on life. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Approaching the End

Over the past two weeks, I have gained much knowledge about becoming a teacher and the content of science. Working with the 7th and 8th graders has been an experience I will not forget. Last week, was more interesting because we did a lot of hands on activities which made the week speed up. As for this week with AIMS coming up, the students have been doing a lot of preping for the test next week.

Monday, March 29, 2010

1st day...again

I returned back to the school today and observed the 1st two hours. The 8th graders were working on learning how to represent data using a graph and the 7th graders were learning about the theories of the moon craters. Today, was a quick day and I enjoyed being back in the classroom with the students. I also stayed after with the Science Stem Program and there the students created their own kites which was very exciting and fun.